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České Budějovice

Information on personal data processing - GDPR | Levné ubytování České Budějovice | Penzion a relax centrum U Rudolfa

Information on personal data processing - GDPR

Rudolf Parýzek.
IČO: 72156597
Registered seat: Třebínská 1684/8
37005 Č.Budějovice

Natural person Rudolf Parýzek IČO: 72156597, trade license issued okr. trade. Office in Č.Budějovice: čjž / 13618/2010 / IK / 48622/4 on 10.11.2010 hereby informs about the basic principles and principles on the basis of which the natural person Rudolf Parýzek as a controller of personal data in connection with the provision of his accommodation services handles personal data of their clients in the sense of § 4 letter j) of Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on the protection of personal data in connection with the GDPR - REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016, on the protection of individuals.

Rudolf Parýzek as the administrator of personal data in connection with the provision of accommodation services requires the provision of the following personal data of accommodated persons:

  1. name and surname
  2. the address of the place of permanent residence or place of permanent residence abroad
  3. birthdate
  4. email address
  5. phone

This information is required and processed by the administrator only for clients who agree to book a stay on a specific date. For clients who only request a stay and do not subsequently make a reservation, the administrator does not require or process personal data.

Purpose of personal data processing

Rudolf Parýzek, as the controller of personal data in connection with the provision of his services, collects, processes and stores, under the conditions and within the limits set by the applicable legislation, the personal data of the data subject for the following purposes:

  • To fulfill the legal obligation, the administrator is obliged to request data 1) - 3) according to the generally binding Decree No. 1/2016 on local fees, as amended.
  • For the purposes of the legitimate interests of the accommodation provider, the administrator then requests an e-mail address and telephone number from the clients. This data is necessary for effective communication between clients and the landlord.

The administrator does not use clients' personal data to send advertising offers.

Processing time

Personal data will be processed for the time strictly necessary to ensure mutual rights and obligations, ie always at least until the end of the stay, and then for the period during which the controller is obliged / authorized to keep those data according to GDPR and other generally binding legislation.

Processing of personal data

  1. Processing
    • The processing of personal data takes place manually, in electronic or paper form, always with high technical, organizational and personnel security in the sense of the requirements of the GDPR.
    • Only the owner of the accommodation facility, Mr. Rudolf Parýzek, and subsequently the bodies that require this data by law come into contact with the personal data of clients.
  2. Save
    • For effective communication with clients, personal data is stored: name and surname, address, e-mail and telephone. These are stored in electronic form with security.
    • Birth dates are recorded and stored in electronic form with secure storage.
  3. Archiving
    • The data are stored for a period of 6 years following the year of entry in accordance with the fulfillment of the legal obligation pursuant to Act 565/1990 Coll. as amended.

Rights of the data subject

The data subject has all the rights granted by the GDPR Regulation and other legal regulations.

All of the above personal data is processed and stored in accordance with the terms of the GDPR and is not made available or provided to any other persons except for possible control by the municipality, for which local fees are collected.



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Accommodation boarding house U Rudolfa

Třebínská 1684/8
370 05 České Budějovice
GPS: Loc: + 48 ° 58 '20.93 ", + 14 ° 26' 53.65"

Tel: +420 608 180 081


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